³Ô¹Ï´ó±¾Óª | HCSC ³Ô¹Ï´ó±¾Óª Partnership Agreement | Discount Details


Discount Details

To encourage the pursuit of lifelong learning and the development of skills as professionals and leaders, ³Ô¹Ï´ó±¾Óª offers to employees of HCSC:

  • 25% tuition discount
  • Deferred payment program

The discount applies to for credit programs online or at any ³Ô¹Ï´ó±¾Óª location.   The deferred payment program enables HCSC employees to submit payment for a course after the course has been completed.  Tuition will be deferred for six weeks following the end of each class.

To receive the discount and deferred payment plan, the student’s employment must be verified prior to the start of the first term. Verification will occur when the student submits a fully executed HCSC Employee Discount form to the ³Ô¹Ï´ó±¾Óª Business Office.  Students will not be eligible for any other ³Ô¹Ï´ó±¾Óª University tuition discounts, including ³Ô¹Ï´ó±¾Óª scholarships.

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